Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to backup a single MySQL database?

  1. Open the Command Prompt (Windows)/Terminal (Linux)
  2. Type the following command:

    mysqldump -u {username} -p{password} -h {host} {databaseName} > {backup-name}.sql
{username} is the login that has access to connect to the database
{password} is the login's password
{host} is the server name where it is the database
{databaseName} is the database name
{backup-name} is the name back up file name


I want to backup the BAZINGA database located at the TheBigBangTheory host with the user name Sheldon and password Cooper and save it on Meemaw.sql  file.

mysqldump -u Sheldon -pCooper -h TheBigBangTheory BAZINGA > Meemaw.sql


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